Tours / Workshops for Secondary SchooI I

Our activities for secondary school level I supplement classroom teaching, offering the experience of the original, and develop skills: what am I capable of? What interests me? How do I overcome my limitations?

For secondary I classes we offer tours as well as creative workshops. Both of these activities are designed to ensure interaction and communication. During tours the class remains in the exhibitions and permanent collection. Tours last one hour—but can also be extended. The workshops take place in the creative rooms and generally last two hours.

Tours: Further information on tours for secondary I classes

Workshops: Further information on tours for secondary I classes

Museumsdienst Köln

Tours & Work­shops: 0221 221 23468


Alexa Schink (Primarstufe)

Christine Wolf (Primarstufe)

Anja Hild (Sek. I, Bereich Inklusion)

Björn Föll (Sek. II)