

Fluxus and Beyond: Ursula Burghardt, Benjamin Patterson

October 12, 2024 – Feburary 9, 2025

"Fluxus and Be­yond: Ur­su­la Burghardt, Ben­jamin Pat­ter­son" at the Mu­se­um Lud­wig takes a fresh look at a 1960s art move­ment that cont­in­ues to ex­ert its in­flu­ence. The ex­hi­bi­tion fo­cus­es on Ur­su­la Burghardt (1928–2008) and Ben­jamin Pat­ter­son (1934–2016), two artists who de­spite their in­volve­ment in the Fluxus net­work re­mained on its pe­riph­ery. As a re­sult, their work is lit­tle known to­day.

2024 Wolfgang Hahn Prize: Anna Boghiguian

Novem­ber 9, 2024 – March 30, 2025

Anna Boghiguian (born 1946 in Cairo) will be awarded the 30th Wolfgang Hahn Prize of the Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst at the Museum Ludwig. The Egyptian-Canadian artist of Armenian origin has been one of the most exciting positions in contemporary art since her participation in the biennials in Istanbul in 2009 and Sharjah in 2011, and dOCUMENTA 13 in 2012. Boghiguian's works are often created spontaneously and frequently on location, such as now in Cologne for the Wolfgang Hahn Prize 2024. She is regarded as a sensitive observer of human existence and conveys an interpretation of contemporary life in which she oscillates between past and present, poetry and politics, history and literature in a highly thoughtful manner.


Schultze Projects #4
Kresiah Mukwazhi

Septembr 20, 2024 – June 14, 2026

For the fourth edition of the Schultze Projects series, Kresiah Mukwazhi (b. 1992 in Harare, Zimbabwe) has created a new site-specific work for the large front wall of the main stairway at the Museum Ludwig. The name of the series refers to Bernard Schultze and his wife Ursula (Schultze-Bluhm), whose estate is managed by the Museum Ludwig, and in whose memory periodically since 2017 an artist has been invited to create a large-scale work for this prominent location.