


Green Modernism. The New View of Plants

9/17/2022 – 1/22/2023

What do plants mean to human beings? The exhibition Green Modernism: The New View of Plants took us back to the early twentieth century and examines the depiction of plants in the visual arts and how they were viewed in botany and society in general. After all, as plain as potted plants in pictures may appear at first glance, and as matter-of-fact as botanical reports read, they always also attest to the contradictions, fears, longings, and ideologies of the modern age.



Raghubir Singh. Kolkata

7/9 – 11/6/2022

The In­dian pho­to­g­ra­pher Raghu­bir Singh (1942–1999) re­peat­ed­ly re­turned to Kol­ka­ta (called Cal­cut­ta un­til 2001), and over the years he cre­at­ed a com­plex and mul­ti­lay­ered pho­to­graph­ic por­trait of the ci­ty. In this way, the dif­fer­ent his­tor­i­cal lay­ers are equal­ly rep­re­sent­ed in the pho­to­graph. Singh’s pho­to­graphs are a cos­mopol­i­tan’s ho­mage to a cos­mopol­i­tan ci­ty. In the pho­tog­ra­phy room, the Mu­se­um Lud­wig pre­sent­ed twelve pho­to­graphs from Singh’s Cal­cut­ta se­ries, which have been part of the col­lec­tion since 2017.


Presentation of the Gerhard Richter Collection

2/1 – 5/1/2022

The Mu­se­um Lud­wig was pre­sent­ing a con­cen­trat­ed ex­hi­bi­tion in hon­or of Ger­hard Richter’s nineti­eth birth­day. From Fe­bruary 1 to May 1, 2022, the Mu­se­um Lud­wig showed a se­lec­tion of five works by Ger­hard Richter (born Fe­bruary 9, 1932) from its col­lec­tion. The ex­hi­bi­tion fea­tured fig­u­ra­tive works de­pict­ing peo­ple and ob­jects as well as ab­s­tract paint­ings and works com­prised of panes of glass and mir­rors.


2021 Wolfgang-Hahn-Prize: Marcel Odenbach

11/17/2021 – 2/20/2022

Mar­cel Oden­bach (*1953 in Cologne) was award­ed the 2021 Wolf­gang Hahn Prize by the Ge­sellschaft für Mod­erne Kunst. The award cer­e­mony al­ways al­so in­cludes an ac­qui­si­tion for the col­lec­tion of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig. Thanks to Mar­cel Oden­bach’s generos­i­ty, the Ge­sellschaft für Mod­erne Kunst am Mu­se­um Lud­wig ac­quired his unique Sch­nittvor­la­gen for the 2021 Wolf­gang Hahn Prize, which were shown in the exhibition.


HERE AND NOW at Museum Ludwig: together for and against it

11/13/2021 – 2/13/2022

With the ex­hi­bi­tion to­gether for and against it, the Mu­se­um Lud­wig was fo­cus­ing on po­si­tions of con­tem­po­rary art in Ja­pan and their his­tor­i­cal pre­de­ces­sors. A start­ing point is the con­sid­er­a­tion of the Ja­pa­nese avant-garde in the 1960s from to­day’s per­spec­tives. What de­vel­op­ments in the post-war pe­ri­od did artists re­act to at the time? What mo­ti­vat­ed their sen­sa­tio­n­al public per­for­mances? What moves the artist col­lec­tive Chim↑Pom and the artist Ko­ki Ta­na­ka to­day, and how do they re­late to this his­tor­i­cal move­ment?


Picasso Shared and Divided: The Artist and His Image in East and West Germany

9/25/2021 – 1/30/2022

What do we as­so­ci­ate with Pab­lo Pi­cas­so? And what as­so­ci­a­tions with him did the Ger­man peo­ple have in mind dur­ing the post-war years, when he was at the height of his fame? Far more than we do: This was the main idea of the ex­hi­bi­tion, which re­veals a for­got­ten breadth, ten­sion, and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of th­ese ap­pro­pri­a­tions. It dealt not on­ly with the artist, but with his au­di­ence, which in­ter­pret­ed Pi­cas­so’s art in very dif­fer­ent ways in the cap­i­tal­ist West and in the so­cial­ist East. The Ger­man Pi­cas­so was di­vid­ed, but this di­vi­sion al­so sti­m­u­lat­ed the re­cep­tion: Be­cause ev­ery­one ques­tioned his art, it had some­thing to say for ev­ery­one.




Silent Ruins
F. A. Oppenheim Photographs Antiquity

2/15/2020 – 6/14/2020

The photo al­bum “A­the­nien­sische Al­terthümer” by Fe­lix Alex­an­der Op­pen­heim was ex­hi­b­it­ed for the first time, thus re­veal­ing a mo­ment in his­to­ry when the en­thu­si­asm for an­tiqui­ty, ear­ly arche­ol­o­gy, the politics of sym­bols in Greece, and the strug­gle for right­ful own­er­ship cre­at­ed a con­text rich in words and im­ages for th­ese si­lent ruins.



Nil Yalter
Exile Is a Hard Job

3/9 – 6/2/2019

Since the 1970s, Nil Yal­ter has been work­ing as a pi­oneer of so­cial­ly en­gaged and tech­ni­cal­ly ad­vanced art.The Mu­se­um Lud­wig will hosted the Turk­ish artist’s first ma­jor sur­vey ex­hi­bi­tion.


Alexander von Humboldt
Photography and Legacy

10/13/2018 – 2/10/2019

The year 2019 will mark the 250th an­niver­sary of the birth of Alexan­der von Hum­boldt (1769–1859). The Mu­se­um Lud­wig is tak­ing this an­niver­sary as an oc­ca­sion to trace Hum­boldt’s con­nec­tion to pho­tog­ra­phy.




Photographer's Name
Aenne Biermann

6/16 – 9/30/2018

Aenne Bi­er­mann (1898–1933) took pho­to­graphs of her im­me­di­ate sur­round­in­gs from 1925 un­til her ear­ly death, and this body of work helped shape mod­er­nist pho­tog­ra­phy.


Werner Mantz
Architectures and People

10/14/2017 – 1/21/2018

Werner Mantz is known as one of the most prominent photographers of the Neues Bauen movement of modernist architecture in Cologne during the 1920s. In a second creative period he returned to portrait photography. .




Gerhard Richter: New Paintings


The ex­hi­bi­tion Gerhard Richter: New Paintings presented new ab­s­tract paint­in­gs cre­at­ed in 2016 along­side works from the col­lec­tion of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig by Richter


Otto Freundlich: Cosmic Communism


In a big retrospective, the Museum Ludwig presented one of the most original abstract artists of the twentieth century: Otto Freundlich (1878–1943)



Fernand Léger: Painting in Space


The first ret­ro­spec­tive that fo­cus­es on Fer­nand Léger’s mu­rals, casting a new light on one of the most di­verse and in­flu­en­tial artists of mod­er­nism.



Bernard Schultze

Bernard Schultze. A Centennial Exhibition


Ber­nard Schultze (1915–2005) was a lead­ing ex­po­nent of ges­tu­ral ab­s­tract paint­ing in Eu­rope. The Museum Ludwig is pay­ing ho­mage to him on the cen­ten­nial of his birth.


Alibis: Sigmar Polke.


For the first time, all the me­dia with which the artist en­gaged in­ten­sive­ly through­out his ca­reer are brought to­gether in one ex­hi­bi­tion, with works dating from 1963 through 2010.



The Museum of Photography. A Revision


Do we need a museum of photography? Taking a closer look at the collector Erich Stenger (1878–1958) and his collection, the exhibition submits his idea to a revision


Oscar Tuazon.
Alone in an empty room


Oscar Tuazon has realized a site-specific installation at the Museum Ludwig, rebulding parts of a private home inside the museum's wide open staircase


Pierre Huyghe


Pierre Huyghe has transformed the exhibition space into a whole world of its own, bringing together liv­ing sys­tems, ob­jects, films, pho­to­graphs, draw­ings, and mu­sic

Photo: Rheinisches Bildarchiv Köln/Museum Ludwig/Britta Schlier



Peter and Irene Lud­wig brought Pop Art to Ger­many. The exhibition brings it to­gether in a large sur­vey ex­hi­bi­tion with works from the other Lud­wig Mu­se­ums around the world


Andrea Büttner. 2


2 – the title is the agenda. The largest room in the museum is divided into two parts, one light and the other dark, showing recent works rangeing from prints, woodcuts, photgraphs, to a large-scale video-installation



© Jo Baer, photo: Rheinisches Bildarchiv Köln / Britta Schlier

Jo Baer


From 24 May through 25 August 2013, the Museum Ludwig showcased - as the first ever German institution to do so - the US American artist Jo Baer (b.1929 in Seattle, lives since 1984 in Amsterdam) in a solo exhibition

©  The Saul Steinberg Foundation / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2013, Foto: Rheinisches Bildarchiv Köln / Leon Sinowenka

Saul Steinberg. The Americans


The Museum Ludwig presents the complete mural-collage created by Saul Steinberg for EXPO 58 in Brussels for the first time since its entirety



Abbildung Ein Wunsch bleibt immer übrig

One wish always remains unfulfilled. Kasper König takes stock


An overview of 12 years at the Museum Ludwig - The last presentation of the collection by the former director

Henrik Olesen. Mr. Knife & Mrs. Fork, 2009 -Portrait of my Mother (Detail) © Henrik Olesen und Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst am Museum Ludwig

2012 Wolfgang Hahn Prize: Henrik Olesen


The Danish artist was the 2012 recipient of the Wolfgang Hahn Prize awarded by the Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst am Museum Ludwig

Abbildung Kriwet



Graphic works and audio plays by German artist Ferdinand Kriwet

Abbildung Vor dem Gesetz

Before the Law


The parable “Before the Law” by Franz Kafka (1915) serves as a guiding motif for this exhibition idea

Foto: Rheinisches Bildarchiv Köln / Peter Kunz

In Memory of Irene Ludwig


On the occasion of the first anniversary of her passing, the Museum Ludwig has installed a room with works from the private residence of Peter and Irene Ludwig

© Cosima von Bonin,  Courtesy Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Cologne/Berlin Foto: Lothar Schnepf

Cosima von Bonin


The Museum Ludwig is presenting an exhibition of the artist Cosima von Bonin, which will develop as a 'Work in Progress' in four European cities

Cecil Beaton, Pablo Picasso, 1933, Silbergelatine, 24 x 22,7 cm, Museum Ludwig, Köln/Sammlung Gruber, © Cecil Beaton Studio Archive at Sothehy's, London

MemyselfandI. Photo Portraits of Picasso


Pablo Picasso was not only a great artist but also a master of self-dramatization
