Workshops for Kids and Young Adults

Looking at art in the museum is fun. But making art yourself is also exciting!

On Saturdays from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. you have a chance to experience Cologne’s museums in a new way. The workshops take place at a different museum every week, focusing on a variety of topics (in German).

In the Museum Ludwig, for instance, we deal with stubborn artists, brilliant colors, sassy patterns, peculiar materials, wacky techniques, and funny coincidences.

The program is offered for children ages 5 to 7, and for children ages 8 to 11. Adults may attend to their own business in the meantime.

Important: group size is limited, so you need to reserve a spot by the Thursday prior to the event.

Since we’ll be working in a workshop, please remember to wear a smock or non-sensitive clothing.