Workshops for Kids and Young Adults

Look­ing at art in the mu­se­um is fun. But mak­ing art your­self is al­so exc­it­ing!

On Sa­t­ur­days from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. you have a chance to ex­pe­ri­ence Cologne’s mu­se­ums in a new way. The work­shops take place at a dif­fer­ent mu­se­um ev­ery week, fo­cus­ing on a va­ri­e­ty of top­ics (in Ger­man).

In the Mu­se­um Lud­wig, for in­s­tance, we deal with stub­born artists, bril­liant col­ors, sassy pat­terns, pe­cu­liar ma­te­rials, wacky tech­niques, and fun­ny co­in­ci­dences.

The pro­gram is of­fered for chil­dren ages 5 to 7, and for chil­dren ages 8 to 11. Adults may at­tend to their own busi­ness in the mean­time.

Im­por­tant: group size is limit­ed, so you need to re­serve a spot by the Thurs­day pri­or to the event.

Since we’ll be work­ing in a work­shop, please re­mem­ber to wear a smock or non-sen­si­tive cloth­ing.

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