Vacation Program

Fi­nal­ly Holi­days!

Holi­day Pro­gram

So that it doesn't get bor­ing then, you can find our varied holi­day pro­gramme for chil­dren here. Take a look at the cal­en­dar and reg­is­ter now!

Holi­day Pro­gram "Kunst für Kölsche Kids"

In the "Kunst für Kölsche Kids" holi­day pro­gram, the fo­cus is on ex­per­i­ment­ing and dis­cov­er­ing one's own cre­a­tiv­i­ty. Ev­ery day, from Mon­day to Fri­day, the chil­dren and young peo­ple learn a new artis­tic tech­nique, which they then try out for them­selves. This in­cludes, for ex­am­ple, ex­per­i­men­tal print­ing and col­lage, three-di­men­sio­n­al de­sign of fan­ta­sy mu­se­ums or the shoot­ing of stop-mo­tion films. Please reg­is­ter.

With the gener­ous sup­port of Floss­bach von Storch, eight weeks of free holi­day pro­grams for chil­dren and young peo­ple will be held each year for the next two years: four weeks in the sum­mer holi­days, two in the au­tumn holi­days and two in the East­er holi­days. 


Please reg­is­ter for all events at ser­­se­ums­di­en­st­s­, Tel.: 0221 221 24077 (Tue-Fri 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and Thu 2 p.m.-4 p.m.) or on­line at

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