Family Tours

Cu­ri­ous why an artist used just one sin­gle col­or? Why some­one glued fish eg­gs on­to a can­vas? Any why a lady with a hand­bag has be­come a per­ma­nent guest in the mu­se­um? Dur­ing our tours, ALL ques­tions are al­lowed! No reser­va­tion re­quired, just stop by. We look for­ward to see­ing you!

The Fam­i­ly Tours are in­tend­ed for par­ents with their chil­dren ages 7 and un­der. The Chil­dren’s Tours are de­signed for chil­dren ages 8 and up, with­out their par­ents, who are free to do some­thing of their own in the mean­time. Tours meet at the ad­mis­sions desk. Ad­mis­sion for chil­dren is free, adults pay reg­u­lar ad­mis­sion price.

Fam­i­ly Tours Full of Amaze­ment (Ger­man)

There are lots of ex­traor­d­i­nary things to dis­cov­er at the Mu­se­um Lud­wig! Gi­gan­tic paint­ings, an­i­mal sculp­tures, shy pat­terns and cheeky por­traits. On the tour, you'll learn their sto­ries and se­crets. Cu­ri­ous now? Then come along and let us sur­prise you! The fam­i­ly tours last 60 min­utes each. 25 peo­ple can take part in each tour, and ad­mis­sion is free for par­ti­ci­pants (par­ents and chil­dren).

The "Fam­i­ly Tours Full of Amaze­ment" are spon­sored by Floss­bach von Storch.

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