Children’s Birthdays
For children ages 5 to 14

[Trans­late to En­glish:] Für Kin­der von 5 bis 14 Jahren

Af­ter an exc­it­ing tour through the mu­se­um, the next stop is the work­shop, where you can make your own artis­tic works. The pro­gram lasts around two and a half hours, and you’re wel­come to bring cake and drinks along. On week­days the pro­gram costs per group €120.00, and on week­ends and holi­days €150.00.

We of­fer a se­lec­tion of dif­fer­ent top­ics and are hap­py to ad­vise you. For in­for­ma­tion and book­ing con­tact us at:

Mu­se­ums­di­enst Köln
Phone: +49 221 221 24077
E-mail: ser­­se­ums­di­

We’re al­so hap­py to ad­vise you about our pro­grams for grown-up birth­day kids!