Exploring the Collection with...

The Mu­se­um Lud­wig, the mu­ni­ci­pal in­te­gra­tion cen­ter of the ci­ty of Cologne (KI Köln) and the cen­ter for mul­ti­lin­gual­ism and in­te­gra­tion (ZMI) pre­sent a new video pro­ject: Cologne resi­dents in­tro­duce us to art­works from the col­lec­tion of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig in their na­tive lan­guage, for ex­am­ple by telling us what it re­minds them of. Be­sides pro­fes­sio­n­al in­spi­ra­tion and joy, this can al­so be ra­cism, in­e­qual­i­ty and ex­clu­sion.

Videos: Bor­der­less TV & Zein Al Ab­dein


Leo­cadie Uyisen­ga on Tere­sa Bur­ga and Lubai­na Himid.


Alaa Nas­sif Mak­ki on Ju­lia Sch­er and Suzanne Val­a­don.


Afi­fa Jeb­bar on Miri­am Cahn and Lubai­na Himid.


Gae­tano Na­var­ria talks about So­nia De­lau­nay-Terk and Huang Yong Ping.


Na­hal Ta­van­gar on Car­rie Mae Weems, Peter Doig and Ge­orge Se­gal.


Hasan Hüseyin De­ve­ci on Ed­ward Kien­holz and Robert Rauschen­berg.
