Tours / Workshops for Secondary School II
The activities for secondary school level II are tailored to specific teaching units—often as a direct preparation for topics on the centralized university-entrance examination.
Here specialized knowledge is linked with the aesthetic experience of the original. Moreover, in a series of advanced training activities, we impart soft skills that can be advantageous in one’s future profession.
Like to learn English in the Museum? In our English-language workshops we combine art education with conversation.
Tours: Further information on tours for secondary school level II
Workshops: Further information on tours for secondary school level II
Museumsdienst Köln
Tours & Workshops: 0221 221 23468
Alexa Schink (Primarstufe)
Christine Wolf (Primarstufe)
Anja Hild (Sek. I, Bereich Inklusion)
Björn Föll (Sek. II)