Visitor information

Rules at the Museum Ludwig

Wel­­come to the Mu­se­um Lud­wig. At the be­gin­n­ing of your vis­it we would like to fa­­miliarise you with the house rules. They ap­p­­ly to all per­­sons en­ter­ing the Mu­se­um Lud­wig. here

Guid­ed Tours and Work­shops

Guid­ed tours and work­shops can be booked through the Mu­se­ums­di­enst Köln. If you do not wish to book guid­ed tours or work­shops, but would still like to vis­it the mu­se­um with a group, please al­so reg­is­ter through the Mu­se­ums­di­enst Köln. All reg­is­tra­tion at: ser­­se­ums­di­

We look for­ward to your vis­it!

Free WiFi

We of­fer all vis­i­tors free use of our Wi­Fi in our mu­se­um rooms. Con­nect your mo­bile de­vice to the Wi­Fi "Mu­se­um Lud­wig" and con­firm the terms of use. It is not ne­ces­sary to en­ter a pass­word.