Offers for Tourists

Tips and spe­cial of­fers for all as­pects of your stay in Cologne

An­nu­al Tick­et to the Cologne Mu­se­ums

Here you can find in­for­ma­tion about the Jahreskarte der Köl­n­er Museen (Ger­man)

Mu­se­ums in Cologne

Cologne’s renowned mu­se­ums boast world-class col­lec­tions. For an overview of the mu­se­ums, their cur­rent ex­hi­bi­tions, and event pro­grams vis­it


Dis­cov­er Cologne in­ex­pen­sive­ly and con­ve­nient­ly with the Köl­n­Card. Free trav­el on public tran­s­port gives you mo­bil­i­ty 24 or 48 hours a day; you al­so re­ceive re­duc­tions of up to 50% from nu­mer­ous part­n­ers.
Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion

Ci­ty Tours / Sight­see­ing Ex­cur­sions

A va­ri­e­ty of sight-see­ing tours of the ci­ty, the­mat­ic tours, ar­chi­tec­tu­ral tours in the new Rhei­nau Har­bor, and other ex­cur­sions

In­for­ma­tion and reser­va­tions:
Köl­n­Touris­mus GmbH
Tele­­fon +49 221 221 346430

Ho­tel Of­fers

Dis­cov­er the week­ly chang­ing busi­ness lunch in our part­n­er Ho­tel Ex­cel­sior Ho­tel Ernst more

Gal­leries and Other Art In­sti­tu­tions in Cologne and Be­yond

For a se­lec­tion of ex­hi­bi­tions of con­tem­po­rary art in the Rhine­land, the Nether­lands, Bel­gi­um, and Lux­em­burg vis­it www.cahi­er-on­

In the Even­ings: Cologne Phil­har­mon­ic

One of Ger­many’s lead­ing con­cert hous­es, the Köl­n­er Phil­har­monie is lo­cat­ed in the same build­ing as the Mu­se­um Lud­wig