Handicapped Accessibility

Tick­ets, Jour­ney to Mu­se­um Lud­wig and Park­ing

The Mu­se­um Lud­wig is lo­cat­ed in the di­rect vicini­ty of the Köl­n­er Dom (Cologne Cathe­dral), across from the Haupt­bahn­hof (Cologne Cen­tral Sta­tion). 


50667 Köln/Cologne

Phone +49 221 221 26165


Ac­cord­ing to the guide­lines of the ci­ty of Cologne, peo­ple with 50% de­­gree of dis­­a­­bil­i­­ty and above pay half the ad­mis­sion price to the Mu­se­um Lud­wig.

Peo­ple ac­com­pany­ing vis­i­tors with a dis­a­bil­i­ty card desig­nat­ed “B” will re­ceive free ad­mis­sion. Guide dogs are al­lowed in the mu­se­um.

All cur­rent ad­mis­sion prices, dis­counts, and open­ing hours are avai­l­able here.


There are two hand­i­capped park­ing spots on Bis­chofs­garten­s­traße, which are a short dis­tance from the bar­ri­er-free en­trance to the mu­se­um.

Ad­di­tio­n­al hand­i­capped-ac­ces­si­ble park­ing spots in Cologne can be found here

Public Tran­s­por­ta­tion

Sta­tion: Dom/Haupt­bahn­hof (Cologne Cen­tral Sta­tion) for all forms of public tran­s­port

Hand­i­capped Ac­ces­si­bil­i­ty at the Mu­se­um Lud­wig

En­ter­ing the Mu­se­um

Bar­ri­er-free ac­cess to the Mu­se­um Lud­wig is pos­si­ble via an el­e­va­tor on Bis­chofs­garten­s­traße. The en­trance to the el­e­va­tor is lo­cat­ed be­low the south en­trance to the mu­se­um. On the left side of the glass door is a door­bell at a height of 110 cm, which you can use to in­form our se­cu­ri­ty per­son­nel of your ar­ri­val. The doors have a pas­sage width of 170 cm. From here you can reach the mu­se­um foy­er via an el­e­va­tor (90 cm wide and 210 cm deep).

If you have to wait here for longer than nor­mal, you can call the fol­low­ing num­ber to reach the tick­et and in­for­ma­tion desks: 0221-221-26165. The staff will be hap­py to as­sist you.

The mu­se­um’s two main en­trances (on the side fac­ing the cathe­dral and on the south side by the Film­fo­rum) have a pas­sage width of 275 cm.

In­side the Mu­se­um

From the foy­er you can reach the tick­et desk and the en­trance to the mu­se­um via two glass doors. The glass doors have a pas­sage width of 177 cm.

All ex­hi­bi­tion ar­eas in the build­ing can be reached via el­e­va­tors. The left el­e­va­tor has a pas­sage width of 80 cm, and the right el­e­va­tor has a pas­sage width of 90 cm. Both el­e­va­tors are about 200 cm deep.

In the cloak­room you can bor­row a wheelchair and stur­dy fold­ing stools. Some of the ex­hi­bi­tion spaces have leather bench­es, de­pend­ing on the ex­hi­bi­tion lay­out.

The staff at the in­for­ma­tion and tick­et desks and the mu­se­um at­ten­dants will be hap­py to help you ac­cess the ex­hi­bi­tion ar­eas.

Ex­hi­bi­tions and Guid­ed Tours

All the ex­hi­bi­tion spaces are wheelchair-ac­ces­si­ble. Mu­se­um maps with the lo­ca­tions of all the el­e­va­tors and toi­lets are avai­l­able at the tick­et and in­for­ma­tion desks. We of­fer in­duc­tion loops for hear­ing-im­paired par­ti­ci­pants on guid­ed tours.

The in­for­ma­tion desk staff can no­ti­fy you about tem­porar­i­ly in­ac­ces­si­ble ar­eas be­fore your vis­it to the mu­se­um by phone (0221-221-26165) and by e-mail (in­fo@­mu­se­um-lud­wig.de).

Hand­i­capped-Ac­ces­si­ble Toi­lets

There are three wheelchair-ac­ces­si­ble toi­lets in the build­ing: one in the foy­er of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig, another on the base­ment lev­el (con­tem­po­rary art col­lec­tion), and another be­tween the Film­fo­rum NRW and the mu­se­um li­brary. All the toi­lets have an emer­gen­cy bell and are ac­ces­si­ble via el­e­va­tors. They all have a pas­sage width of ap­prox­i­mate­ly 90 cm.

Our se­cu­ri­ty, tick­et desk, and in­for­ma­tion desk staff will be hap­py to help you ac­cess the toi­lets. Mu­se­um maps with the lo­ca­tions of all the el­e­va­tors and toi­lets are avai­l­able at the tick­et and in­for­ma­tion desks.

The in­for­ma­tion desk staff can no­ti­fy you about tem­porar­i­ly in­ac­ces­si­ble ar­eas be­fore your vis­it to the mu­se­um by phone (0221-221-26165) and by e-mail (in­fo@­mu­se­um-lud­wig.de).

Mu­se­um Shop

The mu­se­um shop Buch­hand­lung Walther König is lo­cat­ed in the en­trance area on the cathe­dral side and is ac­ces­si­ble with­out stairs. Within the shop, free­dom of move­ment is very limit­ed and some ar­eas can on­ly be ac­cessed via a stair­case.  

Cafe and Res­tau­rant

The cafe and res­tau­rant Lud­wig im Mu­se­um is hand­i­capped-ac­ces­si­ble via a ramp in the tick­et desk area. You can al­so en­ter the cafe from out­side the build­ing with­out stairs. The res­tau­rant does not have hand­i­capped-ac­ces­si­ble toi­lets; for this rea­son, we re­c­om­mend us­ing the toi­lets in the mu­se­um foy­er.

Film­fo­rum NRW, Mu­se­um Lud­wig Au­di­to­ri­um

To the left of the south­ern en­trance of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig is the en­trance to the Film­fo­rum NRW. The foy­er of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig al­so leads to the en­trance area, where there is an el­e­va­tor to the up­per floor.

The au­di­to­ri­um and the seats are ac­ces­si­ble with­out stairs, and there are spaces for wheelchairs. Un­for­tu­nate­ly, the stage is not ac­ces­si­ble to wheelchair users.

The Film­fo­rum NRW of­fers in­duc­tion loops for the hear­ing-im­paired.

Be­tween the Film­fo­rum NRW and the mu­se­um li­brary is one of three wheelchair-ac­ces­si­ble toi­lets in the build­ing. The other two are lo­cat­ed in the foy­er of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig and on the base­ment lev­el (con­tem­po­rary art col­lec­tion). All the toi­lets have an emer­gen­cy bell and are ac­ces­si­ble via el­e­va­tors.

The cur­rent pro­gram of the Film­fo­rum NRW is list­ed on our cal­en­dar. Our staff will be hap­py to as­sist you on your ar­ri­val. Please reg­is­ter in ad­vance by phone (0221-221-24498 or by e-mail with Es­ther Rossen­bach (es­ther.rossen­bach@­mu­se­um-lud­wig.de).

Mu­se­um Li­brary

The mu­se­um li­brary is ac­ces­si­ble via the south en­trance next to the Film­fo­rum NRW. In the en­trance area there is an el­e­va­tor to the up­per floor.

Be­tween the Film­fo­rum NRW and the mu­se­um li­brary is one of three wheelchair-ac­ces­si­ble toi­lets in the build­ing. The other two are lo­cat­ed in the foy­er of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig and on the base­ment lev­el (con­tem­po­rary art col­lec­tion). All the toi­lets have an emer­gen­cy bell and are ac­ces­si­ble via el­e­va­tors.

The open­ing hours of the mu­se­um li­brary are list­ed on this page. Our staff will be hap­py to as­sist you on your ar­ri­val. Please reg­is­ter by phone (0221-221-22626) or by e-mail (kmbstadt-koeln.de).

Hand­i­capped Ac­ces­si­bil­i­ty in Cologne

In Au­gust 2019 the ci­ty of Cologne pub­lished a new edi­tion of its brochure on equal par­ti­ci­pa­tion in Cologne, which is avai­l­able for down­load here. (In Ger­man)