Getting to the Museum

The Mu­se­um Lud­wig is lo­cat­ed in the di­rect vicini­ty of the Cologne Cathe­dral, across from the Cologne Cen­tral Sta­tion. Route map


50667 Köln
Tele­phone +49 221 221 26165
Tele­fax +49 221 221 24114

Public Tran­s­por­ta­tion

Sta­tion: Dom/Haupt­bahn­hof for train, sub­way/U-Bahn, and S-Bahn from the Köln/Bonn Air­port
Route in­for­ma­tion
Ar­riv­ing via Deutsche Bahn


The park­ing garages Dom, Rhein­garten, and Gross St. Martin are lo­cat­ed in the di­rect vicini­ty of the mu­se­um.
Prices, cur­rent avai­l­a­bil­i­ty, and route plan­n­er