Late Night Thursday

Art, Mu­sic, The­a­tre, Film, ...

There are days that are just dif­fer­ent from others: more in­ter­est­ing, more en­joy­able, more exc­it­ing. Such as when you sim­p­ly go to the mu­se­um in the even­ing, re­ceive free or dis­count­ed ad­mis­sion, and ex­pe­ri­ence some­thing en­tire­ly new. And that’s pre­cise­ly how it is now: Late Night Thurs­day in the Mu­se­um Lud­wig, on the first Thurs­day of ev­ery month un­til 10 p.m. En­joy live con­certs, cabaret, artist talks, tours, kunst:dialoge, the­ater, read­ings, dance, film, and per­for­mances.

Late Night Thurs­day in the Mu­se­um Lud­wig

  • Once a month: on ev­ery first Thurs­day

  • In­to the night: from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

  • With many even­ing spe­cials: from all gen­res that art has to of­fer

  • For Cologne resi­dents: free ad­mis­sion all day

  • Dis­count­ed ad­mis­sion for ev­ery­one else from 5 p.m. on — for on­ly €7

Pho­tog­ra­phy and Film­ing at Events

Please note that we hire in­di­vi­d­u­als and ser­vice providers to take pho­tos and videos dur­ing our events. If you do not wish to be pho­to­graphed or re­cord­ed, please no­ti­fy the pho­to­g­ra­pher or video­g­ra­pher di­rect­ly or sub­mit your ob­jec­tion by e-mail to so­cial­me­diamu­se­um-lud­

Our Late Night Thurs­days are gener­ous­ly sup­port­ed by

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