There is some­thing to learn about Pho­tog­ra­phy for the whole fam­i­ly – in our FO­TO LAB!

Since March 2017, parts of the Pho­to­graph­ic Col­lec­tion are show­cased in a spe­cial Pho­tog­ra­phy Room within the per­ma­nent col­lec­tion of the Lud­wig Mu­se­um in an ef­fort to gra­d­u­al­ly pre­sent the col­lec­tion. To ex­pand our ex­hi­bi­tion area, we al­so si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly opened the FO­TO LAB, a space in which chil­dren and adults can par­ti­ci­pate and ex­per­i­ment.

Vis­i­tors of all ages will be able to ex­pe­ri­ence how a cam­era ob­s­cu­ra—the orig­i­nal cam­er­a—­works, pose in front of a pho­to mu­ral, or put to­gether their own ex­hi­bi­tion us­ing fif­ty re­pro­duc­tions from the Pho­to­graph­ic Col­lec­tion!

The inau­gu­ra­tion of the FO­TO LAB was made pos­si­ble with the sup­port Pix­um, an on­line pho­to ser­vice based in Cologne. This space will an­i­mate the Mu­se­um Lud­wig’s Pho­to­graph­ic Col­lec­tion in a num­ber of ways while al­so mak­ing it more ac­ces­si­ble.