Tours / Workshops for Secondary School II

The ac­tiv­i­ties for se­condary school lev­el II are tailored to spe­cif­ic teach­ing unit­s—often as a di­rect pre­pa­ra­tion for top­ics on the cen­tral­ized uni­ver­si­ty-en­trance ex­am­i­na­tion.

Here spe­cial­ized knowl­edge is linked with the aes­thet­ic ex­pe­ri­ence of the orig­i­nal. More­over, in a se­ries of ad­vanced train­ing ac­tiv­i­ties, we im­part soft skills that can be ad­van­ta­geous in one’s fu­ture pro­fes­sion.

Like to learn En­glish in the Mu­se­um? In our En­glish-lan­guage work­shops we com­bine art ed­u­ca­tion with con­ver­sa­tion.

Tours: Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion on tours for se­condary school lev­el II

Work­shops: Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion on tours for se­condary school lev­el II

Mu­se­ums­di­enst Köln

Tours & Work­shops: 0221 221 23468


Alexa Schink (Pri­marstufe)

Chris­tine Wolf (Pri­marstufe)

An­ja Hild (Sek. I, Bereich In­k­lu­sion)

Björn Föll (Sek. II)