Advanced Teacher Education

Mu­se­ums can be a won­der­ful sup­ple­ment to teach­ing in the class­room. How? Let us show you in our ad­vanced teach­er ed­u­ca­tion pro­gram.

You can even come to the public events we or­ganize in con­junc­tion with new ex­hi­bi­tions. Or you can book an ac­tiv­i­ty for your­self and your teach­ing staff, sem­i­nar, or sub­ject teach­er group.

We pub­lish our ad­vanced ed­u­ca­tion pro­gram once per semester, in Au­gust and in Jan­uary. Two ac­tiv­i­ty forms are avai­l­able: public train­ing for in­di­vi­d­u­al par­ti­ci­pants and book­able train­ing for groups (teach­ing fac­ul­ty, etc.).
Par­ti­ci­pa­tion is free.

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