Museum Partners

Our mu­se­um part­n­ers sup­port the Mu­se­um Lud­wig’s work over a pe­ri­od of at least one year.

In the pro­cess, they strengthen the mu­se­um in re­al­iz­ing its im­por­tant tasks in an en­dur­ing and very di­rect man­n­er and help en­sure its ca­pac­i­ty for long-term plan­n­ing.

Th­ese cor­po­rate part­n­ers take on so­cial re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for the cul­tu­r­al life of the ci­ty of Cologne and the re­gion, and make a sig­ni­f­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion to the Mu­se­um Lud­wig as a live­ly and wel­com­ing place for all.

We cor­dial­ly thank our part­n­ers for their pro­duc­tive col­lab­o­ra­tion and their sup­port:

In­no­va­tion Part­n­er
Ed­u­ca­tion Part­n­er
Su­pe­ri­or Part­n­er
Clas­sic Part­n­er

We al­so ex­tend cor­dial thanks to our ho­tel part­n­er:

In­ter­est­ed in be­com­ing a cor­po­rate part­n­er?

Please con­tact Lisa Schade by e-mail lisa.schade@­mu­se­um-lud­ or by tele­phone: +49 221 221 31835.