The Col­lec­tion

The Photography Collection

The Pho­to­graph­ic Col­lec­tion

The Mu­se­um Lud­wig has one of Eu­rope’s largest and most sig­ni­f­i­cant col­lec­tions of nine­teenth- and twen­ti­eth-cen­tu­ry pho­tog­ra­phy. more

Col­lec­tion of Con­tem­po­rary Art

The con­tem­po­rary art in the stair­well and on the base­­ment lev­­el forms the back­­bone and foun­­da­­tion of the mu­se­um, look­ing in­­­to the past and the fu­­ture. more

The Best of the Museum Ludwig

The Best of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig

From Pi­cas­so’s "Har­le­quin" to Roy Licht­en­stein’s "M-Maybe" and Ger­hard Richter’s "Ema": an overview of the col­lec­tion’s high­lights. more

Currently on View

Cur­rent­ly on View

Which art­works and col­lec­tion ar­eas are cur­rent­ly on view? You’ll find an overview here. more

The Mu­se­um

Photo Entrance of the Museum Ludwig


On Fe­bruary 5, 1976 Peter and Irene Lud­wig and the Ci­ty of Cologne signed a do­na­tion con­tract found­ing the Mu­se­um Lud­wig. more

Team Photo


An overview of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig’s staff. more

Photo Vacancies


Be­come a part of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig team! more




Pre­serv­ing the col­lec­tion of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig for fu­ture gen­er­a­tions is the task of our conser­va­tion work­shop. more

Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek

Art and Mu­se­um Li­brary

The Kunst- und Mu­se­ums­bi­blio­thek is one of the largest public li­braries for mod­ern art and pho­tog­ra­phy in the world. more

Re­cent Publi­ca­tions

Roni Horn: Give Me Para­dox or Give Me Death


Ca­t­a­logue "Roni Horn: Give Me Para­dox or Give Me Death", ed. by Yil­maz Dziewior; with text con­tri­bu­tions by Yil­maz Dziewior, Zoë Les­caze, An­drew Maerk­le, Is­a­bel de Naverán, and Ker­stin Stake­mei­er; Ger­man/En­glish. Hard­cov­er, 312 pages, 21.5 × 27.5 cm, ap­prox. 180 col. ill., Stei­dl Ver­lag, ISBN 978-3-96999-379-8, € 38. more

1000 ... miles to the edge – Kasper König Do­na­tion


Ca­t­a­log "1000... MILES TO THE EDGE - KASPER KÖNIG DO­­NA­­TION" - ed­it­ed by Stephan Died­erich. Köln 2023/24. con­tri­bu­­tions by Anne Nier­­mann. with a talk be­tween Yil­­maz Dziewior & Kasper König. 124 pages, with 109 im­ages, Ger­­man/En­glish, Ver­lag der Buch­hand­lung Walther und Franz König, Köln, ISBN 978-3-7533-0585-1, € 19,80 more

Fü­sun Onur: Ret­ro­spec­tive


Ca­t­a­logue, ed­it­ed by Bar­bara En­gel­bach and Emre Baykal, with con­tri­bu­­tions by Merve Yeşi­la­­da Çağlar, Yil­­maz Dziewior, Bar­bara En­gel­bach und Emre Baykal, Süreyyya Evren, Fü­­sun Onur, Nilüfer Şaş­­maz­er, Ger­­man/En­glish, part­­ly Turk­ish, de­sign by Esen Karol, Ver­lag der Buch­hand­lung Walther und Franz König, Köln, ISBN 978-3-7533-0557-8, € 34,80 more

HERE AND NOW at Mu­se­um Lud­wig. Mod­er­nism in Ukraine 1900-1930s & Daria Koltso­va


Ca­t­a­log, ed­it­ed by Yuliia Berdiiaro­­va and Ri­­ta Ker­st­ing, with text con­tri­bu­­tions by Kon­s­­tantin Ak­in­sha, Yuliia Berdiiaro­­va, Ka­­tia Deny­so­­va, Yil­­maz Dziewior, Tetya­­na Filevs­­ka and Ania Kołyszko, Ger­­man/En­glish, part­­ly Ukrai­­nian, ap­prox. 214 pages, Ver­lag der Buch­hand­lung Walther und Franz König, Cologne, ISBN 978-3-7533-0492-2, € 29,80 more

Ur­su­la-That's Me. So What?


Ca­t­a­­logue, ed. by Stephan Died­erich, with con­tri­bu­­tions by Pa­tri­­cia Allmer, Stephan Died­erich, Yil­­maz Dziewior, He­le­­na Kuh­l­­mann, Chus Martínez, El­iz­a­­beth A. Povinel­li, Ger­­man/En­glish, ca. 390 pages, ca. 260 col­or ills., Ver­lag der Buch­hand­lung Walther und Franz König, Cologne, ISBN 978-3-7533-0405-2, Eu­­ro 38 more

HERE AND NOW at Mu­se­um Lud­wig. An­ti-colo­nial In­ter­ven­tions


Ca­t­a­­logue ed­it­ed by Joanne Ro­­driguez, with text con­tri­bu­­tions by Ochy Curiel, Yil­­maz Dziewior, Ele­­na Rosau­ro and Sarah Fa­ti­­ma Schütz, Ger­­man/En­glish, part­­ly Span­ish, ap­prox. 224 pages, Ver­lag der Buch­hand­lung Walther und Franz König, Cologne, ISBN 978-3-7533-0491-5, € 29,80 more

Isa­mu Noguchi


Ca­t­a­­­logue ed­it­ed by Fa­­bienne Eggel­höfer, Ri­­ta Ker­st­ing und Flo­rence Os­­­tende, with con­tri­bu­­tions by Dakin Hart, Fa­­bienne Eggel­höfer, Ri­­ta Ker­st­ing & Na­­na Tazuke-Steiniger, Flo­rence Os­­­tende and a con­ver­sa­­tion be­tween Karen L. Ishizu­­ka, Ka­­ty Siegel, Danh Vō, and De­vi­­ka Singh, Ger­­man and En­glish edi­­tions, 304 p., ca. 350 ill., Pres­­tel Ver­lag 45 EUR (book­s­­tore, hard­­cov­­er), 35 EUR (mu­se­um, pa­per­back). more

Pi­cas­so Shared and Di­vid­ed: The Artist and His Im­age in East and West Ger­many


Ca­t­a­­logue ed­it­ed by Ju­lia Frie­­drich, with con­tri­bu­­tions by Ém­i­lie Bou­­vard, Hu­bert Brie­­den, Yil­­maz Dziewior, Ber­­nard Eisen­s­­chitz, Ju­lia Frie­­drich, Sarah Jo­­nas, Gün­ter Jor­­dan, There­sa Nis­ters, Boris Po­­fal­la, Ste­­fan Rip­­plinger, Ge­org Seeßlen, Thorsten Sch­nei­der, and Iliane Thie­­mann, Ger­­man/En­glish, 248/252 pages. 266 col­or il­lus­­tra­­tions, 22 x 28 cm, Ver­lag der Buch­hand­lung Walther und Franz König, Cologne. 24.80 EUR (re­­tail), 24 EUR (mu­se­um). ISBN 978-3-7533-0066-5 (Ger­­man edi­­tion), ISBN 978-3-7533-0067-2 (En­glish edi­­tion). more

In Si­tu. Pho­to Sto­ries on Mi­gra­tion


Ca­t­a­­logue ed­it­ed by Ela Kaçel and Bar­bara En­gel­bach, with texts by Yil­­­maz Dziewior, Ela Kaçel, and Bar­bara En­gel­bach, as well as nu­mer­ous ex­­­tracts from in­­­ter­views, Ger­­­man/En­glish, 21 × 21 cm, 304 pages, 230 il­lus­­­tra­­­tions, Ver­lag der Buch­hand­lung Walther und Franz König, ISBN 978-3-7533-0038-2, €25 more



Ca­t­a­­logue ed­it­ed by Yil­­maz Dziewior & Gre­­gor Muir. Cologne/Lon­­don, 2020/21. With con­tri­bu­­tions by Ken­neth Brum­mel, Stephan Died­erich, Die­­drich Died­erich­sen, Olivia Laing, Fion­tán Mo­ran, Gre­­gor Muir, Char­lie Porter & Mar­­tine Syms. 21,9 x 28,9 cm. 224 pages, ISBN: 978-3960987628, price: 38 eu­­ros more

HERE AND NOW at Mu­se­um Lud­wig: Tran­s­cor­po­re­al­i­ties

The con­cept of tran­s­cor­po­re­al­i­ty (Sta­cy Alai­mo) builds on the th­e­sis that all bodies are perme­able, open-end­ed sys­tems in con­s­tant exchange with their en­vi­ron­ment and other bi­o­log­i­cal, tech­no­log­i­cal, eco­nom­ic, and so­ciopo­lit­i­cal re­al­i­ties. With works by Jesse Dar­ling, Fla­ka Hal­i­ti, Tra­jal Har­rell, Paul Ma­heke, Nick Mauss, Park McArthur, Os­car Muril­lo, and Son­dra Per­ry, Tran­s­cor­po­re­al­i­ties crit­i­cal­ly ex­amines the perme­a­bil­i­ty of bodies—in­clud­ing the mu­se­um—at the in­ter­faces be­tween sub­ject, ob­ject, and space. It fo­cus­es on ur­gent (in­sti­tu­tio­n­al) ques­tions of vis­i­bil­i­ty and ac­ces­si­bil­i­ty as well as the pos­si­bil­i­ties and lim­its of rep­re­sen­ta­tion: What is in­scribed and at­tribut­ed to bodies? Who is look­ing at whom? What is meant when we say “we” and “they”?
„HERE AND NOW at Mu­se­um Lud­wig: Tran­s­cor­po­re­al­i­ties“, ex­hi­bi­tion ca­t­a­logue. Mu­se­um Lud­wig, Cologne 2019/2020, ed. Leonie Ra­dine, with con­tri­bu­tions by Sta­cy Alai­mo, Park McArthur, Leonie Ra­dine and No­ra Stern­feld and a fore­word by Yil­maz Dziewior, 236 pages, mu­se­um price: 25 eu­­­ros; re­tail price: 29,80 eu­ros, texts in Ger­man and En­glish, Ver­lag der Buch­hand­lung Walther und Franz König, Cologne 2020 more

© Museum Ludwig

Sisi in Pri­vate: The Em­press’s Pho­to Al­bums


"Sisi in Pri­vate: The Em­press’s Pho­to Al­bum", with texts by Miri­am Szwast and Olivia Gru­ber Flo­rek, sta­pled, 14.8 x 21 cm, 54 pages, 15 il­lus­tra­tions, En­glish edi­tion, ISBN 978-3-9821480-5-2. Price: 8 eu­ros. Or­ders via @buch­hand­ more

Rus­sian Avant-Garde at the Mu­se­um Lud­wig: Orig­i­nal and Fake. Ques­tions, Re­search, Ex­pla­na­tions


Buch­hand­lung Walther König, in Ger­­man and En­glish, ISBN 978-3-96098-897-7, 29,80 eu­­­ros (re­­­tail price), 25 eu­­­ros (mu­se­um price), ed. Ri­­­ta Ker­st­ing and Pe­­­tra Mandt with texts by Ak­in­sha, Fried­erike Gräfin von Brühl & Ruth Lech­er, Meike Deil­­­mann, Yil­­­maz Dziewior, Ri­­­ta Ker­st­ing, Maria Kokko­ri and Pe­­­tra Mandt. Or­ders via: @buch­hand­ more



On the oc­ca­sion of this ma­jor ret­ro­spec­tive, the Mu­se­um Lud­wig pub­lished a ca­t­a­logue rai­son­né of the artist's so­lo ex­hi­bi­tions with il­lus­tra­tions of all the works on view, ac­com­panied by short texts and room lay­outs: "WADE GUY­TON MCMX­CIX–MMX­IX ZWEI DEKA­DEN MU­SE­UM LUD­WIG", with texts by Jo­han­na Bur­ton, Michelle Kuo, Ker­stin Stake­mei­er, and a con­ver­sa­tion be­tween Yil­maz Dziewior and Wade Guy­ton, 584 pages, around 1,900 col­or il­lus­tra­tions, 24.8 × 29.2 cm, in Ger­man and En­glish, Ver­lag der Buch­hand­lung Walther König, Cologne, 65 eu­ros (re­tail price), 54 eu­ros (mu­se­um price). more

Cover of the catalogue Family Ties: The Schröder Donation

Fam­i­ly Ties: The Schröder Do­na­tion


Fam­i­ly, kin, clan, clique, co­terie, fan­dom, elec­tive affini­ty, al­liance, col­lab­o­ra­tion, net­work. Th­ese forms of so­cial struc­tures are re­flect­ed in the ma­te­rials as­sem­bled in this ca­t­a­logue: in­vi­ta­tion cards, fly­ers, fanzines, jour­nals, and texts from the 1990s and 2000s. Doc­u­ments ar­ranged chrono­log­i­cal­ly on a time­line of­fer in­sight in­to de­vel­op­ments in vi­su­al art at the time in Cologne and New York. Se­lect­ed his­tor­i­cal es­says and re­views re­flect vir­u­lent the­o­ret­i­cal de­bates, in­terspersed with ref­er­ences to so­cio-po­lit­i­cal events and in­flu­en­tial ex­hi­bi­tions. more

Catalogue cover of Benjamin Katz. Berlin Havelhöhe, 1960/61

Ben­jamin Katz: Ber­lin Havel­höhe, 1960/61


An ex­hi­bi­­tion ca­t­a­­logue was pub­­lished by Hirmer Ver­lag. With texts by Yil­­maz Dziewior, Bar­bara En­gel­bach, and Ben­­jamin Katz, 160 pages, 73 il­lus­­tra­­tions, in Ger­­man and En­glish, €22 (re­­tail price), €20 (mu­se­um price). more