
Fluxus and Be­yond: Ur­su­la Burghardt, Ben­jamin Pat­ter­son

Oc­to­ber 12, 2024 – Fe­bu­rary 9, 2025

"Fluxus and Be­yond: Ur­­su­la Burghardt, Ben­­jamin Pat­ter­­son" at the Mu­se­um Lud­wig takes a fresh look at a 1960s art move­­ment that con­t­in­ues to ex­ert its in­­flu­ence. The ex­hi­bi­­tion fo­­cus­es on Ur­­su­la Burghardt (1928–2008) and Ben­­jamin Pat­ter­­son (1934–2016), two artists who de­spite their in­­­volve­­ment in the Fluxus net­­work re­­mained on its pe­­riph­ery. As a re­­sult, their work is lit­­tle known to­­day.


HERE AND NOW at Mu­se­um Lud­wig.
And Yes­ter­day and To­mor­row

March 9 – Oc­to­ber 13, 2024

Through its re­cur­rent HERE AND NOW se­ries, the Mu­se­um Lud­wig ques­­tions con­ven­­tio­n­al ways of ex­hi­bi­­tion-mak­ing and ex­amines its own work as an in­­sti­­tu­­tion. The ninth pro­­ject in the se­ries, And Yes­ter­­day and To­­mor­row, brings to­gether se­lec­t­ed con­tem­po­rary and his­­tor­i­­cal art­­works with sci­en­tif­ic ma­te­rial to ex­­plore our ex­pe­ri­ences of time and the places we oc­cu­py. More­over, by in­­­clud­ing var­i­ous dis­­­ci­p­­lines, the ex­hi­bi­­tion pro­­vides a space for col­lec­­tive learn­ing. This is al­­so the Mu­se­um Lud­wig’s first de­­mon­s­­tra­b­­ly cli­­mate-neu­­tral show.


Schultze Pro­jects #4
Kre­si­ah Muk­wazhi

Septem­br 20, 2024 – June 14, 2026

For the fourth edi­tion of the Schultze Pro­jects se­ries, Kre­si­ah Muk­wazhi (b. 1992 in Harare, Zim­bab­we) has cre­at­ed a new site-spe­cif­ic work for the large front wall of the main stair­way at the Mu­se­um Lud­wig. The name of the se­ries re­fers to Ber­nard Schultze and his wife Ur­su­la (Schultze-Bluhm), whose es­tate is ma­n­aged by the Mu­se­um Lud­wig, and in whose me­m­o­ry pe­ri­od­i­cal­ly since 2017 an artist has been in­vit­ed to cre­ate a large-scale work for this pro­mi­nent lo­ca­tion.


April 27 – Novem­ber 10, 2024
Pre­sen­ta­tion in the Pho­tog­ra­phy Room

On May 19, 2024, Cologne pho­to­g­ra­pher Karl Heinz Hargesheimer, who was known as Chargesheimer (1924–1971), would have turned one hun­dred. To cele­brate the cen­te­nary of his birth, Mu­se­um Lud­wig will dis­play a se­lec­tion of around fif­ty of his works in the Pho­tog­ra­phy Room. Chargesheimer rose to fame with his pho­to books Cologne in­time and Un­ter Krah­nen­bäu­men, both of which fo­cus on ev­ery­day life in Cologne.