For School Students and Teachers

Our pro­gram for school stu­dents is de­signed for all age lev­els and school types. Whether a class dis­cus­sion, cre­a­tive work­shop, or sev­er­al-hour mu­se­um pro­gram—the of­fer­ings de­mon­s­trate how up-to-date mu­se­ums can be. How the ob­jects tell exc­it­ing sto­ries. How we can shar­p­en our per­cep­tion. And how the knowl­edge of art and cul­ture can help us in other ways to­day.

With mod­ern ed­u­ca­tio­n­al meth­ods we en­cour­age school stu­dents to be­come ac­quaint­ed with the rich­ness of the world of art and cul­ture. Th­ese en­coun­ters gen­er­ate friends and cu­rios­i­ty, as­ton­ish­ment and sym­pa­thy, dis­con­cert­ment and dis­cus­sion. But they al­ways pro­vide sti­m­u­la­tion for think­ing about works of art and cul­tu­r­al ref­er­ences, and strengthen our val­ue sys­tem and pow­er of judg­ment.

For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion please vis­it the web­site of the Mu­se­ums­di­enst Köln, which or­ganizes the pro­gram:

Mu­se­ums­di­enst Köln
Tours & Work­shops: 0221 221 23468


Alexa Schink (Pri­marstufe)

Chris­tine Wolf (Pri­marstufe)

An­ja Hild (Sek. I, Bereich In­k­lu­sion)

Björn Föll (Sek. II)

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