

The ex­hi­bi­tion Louise Lawler. Ad­justed is main­ly lo­cat­ed in the spe­cial ex­hi­bi­tion gal­leries on the ground floor.

The small­er cabi­nets on the side be­hold her Ephe­mera, a col­lec­tion of posters, in­vites, cards, en­velopes, match­box­es, ads, texts, etc. from 1987 to to­day from the artist's archive. Th­ese have nev­er been ex­hibit­ed be­fore.

For the stair­case on the se­cond floor, Louise Lawler has cre­at­ed a new se­ries of ten "trac­ings"-out­­­line draw­ings that are remi­nis­­cent of chil­­dren's col­or­ing books and draw on ear­li­er works by Lawler.

For the third floor, the artist has cre­at­ed a new, large-for­­mat "stretch­". Th­ese are pho­­tos that she has prin­t­­ed out on self-ad­h­e­­sive vinyl film and whose pro­­por­­tions she tailors to the space in ques­­tion—even if that means de­­for­m­ing the mo­tifs. Lawler iron­i­cal­ly asks the ques­tion, who is ad­just­ing to whom—the mu­se­um to the artist or the artist to the mu­se­um?

Within the new pre­se­na­tion of the per­ma­nent col­lec­tion Not Yet Ti­tled, Lawler's works can be dis­cov­ered at vari­ous lo­ca­tions: as a se­ries of 4 pho­to­graphs in­side the gallery that hous­es ce­ram­ics by Pi­cas­so, as pa­per weights in the 2nd and 3rd floor, or as an in­de­pen­dent work in­s­talled on Andy Warhol's Cow Wall­pa­per.